Tandemtreffen 2021Santana Europe - Bike and Coffee

 *Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Since 1986 (34 years) Wolfgang Haas has been running the bicycle shop called "Cycle - Bikes for Individualists" and already in 1989 he integrated the distribution of Santana tandems in Europe. The extensive product range from road bikes to MTBs to everyday bikes unfortunately also reduced the, in our opinion well-deserved, engagement regarding the exclusive tandem bikes.

In order to strengthen the tandem distribution, Santana Europe is separated from the Cycle bicycle shop. Wolfgang Haas continues to run Santana Europe and thus the sale of tandems, while the Cycle bicycle shop also continues in its current premises under a new leadership.

For the sale of Santana tandems, a new showroom will be created in a "Bike & Coffee" concept directly next to the Cycle bicycle shop in Rosenheim. The opening day of the "Tandem Café" has not yet been determined due to the current Corona pandemic restrictions, but the plan is to open in February or March this year.


What exactly changes for Tandem clients?

By focusing on tandems, we want to offer you new and more opportunities to get to know Santana. In addition to the tandem meeting, we will also regularly organise the new format of the Germany-wide tandem test weekends for those interested in tandems. We will also continue to expand our online activities and keep you up to date with the latest news via social media.
Of course, we also look forward to your visit to our new showroom in Rosenheim. On site (see address below), while enjoying freshly brewed coffee, you will receive personal and individual tandem advice at any time and of course also the possibility of a tandem test ride.


New address form February 2021:

Santana Europe
Weinstraße 3
83022 Rosenheim

Phone: +49 (0)8031 14573



Wolfgang and Eva on Tandem



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